Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Is he really ready...?

I have a friend at work who was born to be a Mom. A friend from high school is the same way (she just had twins and she's great with them). It's like they grew up with only one thing in mind: to be kick ass Moms. I, on the other hand, wanted to be an astronaut, a lawyer, a doctor, the President, a writer. But Mom? That never came to mind. That's not to say I never thought about it. I always knew I wanted to have children. It just wasn't constantly on my mind. Partly to blame (if blame is the right verb here) is my husband, the self-proclaimed scared-of-babies man. Now I saw him help deliver our friend's baby in the military and he was a natural. So he's just full of shit, apparently.

I've been nagging (if nagging is the right verb) him about having children for a few years now. It wasn't until after one of his best friends and his better half got pregnant that my husband knew his time was limited. A few weeks later, we were hanging at home on a Saturday night. Three-ten beers and a dance party later, he said something like, "You know that thing you want? That THING? Well I guess if it happened, it would be ok."

Three months later I was pregnant.

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