Friday, May 22, 2009

What's in a Name?

I know I shouldn't be thinking of names for Baby X (since I might not be pregnant in a month depending on the CVS results) but I can't help it! And I don't want to forget so here goes...

Girls: Jill, Audrey, Aubrey, Meredith, Laura, Lauren, Casen, Alice, Claire, Shelby, Anna, Ann, Emma, I know there are more...

Boys: Joseph Charles most likely but others are Zachary, Joshua, Shea, Owen, Mark, Eric and Timothy

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Case of the Mondays?

Could be just a normal "case of the Mondays," but I'm absolutely exhausted today. It could also be that I'll be 10 weeks pregnant this Thursday. Exciting! We have our CVS appointment set for the following Thursday at 11 weeks at Brigham and Women's Hospital. Since it's early in the day, we will receive the preliminary results the following day. Some people that undergo CVS are concerned about Down Syndrome or other diseases. For us, the prelim results of sex are the most important. It will be a long night and I doubt I'll be able to sleep. ... If the results come back that it's a boy, I'll be upset. Let's be honest here. It could be a perfect little guy but we'll have to wait, and wait, and wait. The cells will be cultivated at UMass-Boston then sent to the University of Chicago for testing. We'll find out the results 2-4 weeks later. Now that will be killer! We'll have to make a termination appointment in the event of negative results. Fingers crossed...

Monday, May 4, 2009

A tight stomach?

No, not really. It just feels like I'm doing 1,000 crunches a day. Apparently, my uterus is contracting and has also grown from the size of my fist to the size of a grapefruit. GROSS

My husband is enjoying my newfound breasts, which seem to keep growing. I may have to get a boob job when all of this is said and done. I don't think he'll be able to go back to my 34barely Bs.