Friday, August 28, 2009

Soccer Practice

She's an early riser. Up just before 5 today at what appeared to be soccer practice! This morning was the first time I felt exaggerated movement. Not sure what the technical term is but the movement was a more defined kick. I actually felt her kick and leave her foot there for a brief moment, a definite shot on goal or a corner kick! A wonderful way to start the day!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Three-Point Turns

Yes, that's what it takes now to get out of bed. I get sick of lying on one side, roll to the other, get paranoid about lying on my back too long and end up getting out of bed to go to the bathroom or get a glass of water. Except now it's not a fluid motion of just rolling over and hopping out of bed. It's much slower and less graceful. During my 6mo appointment yesterday (I am 24wks today!), my nurse said my stomach hurts because it is stretching. Well then, that answers that!

Saturday morning I was awoken not by the milk truck but by the baby kicking! It was wild! Tony finally got to feel her kick (elbow, whatever) Wednesday night. He looked mildly impressed.

Tuesday afternoon was our first day care visit. We went to the Jack n Jill Center in Marina Bay. It was prime pick-up time so many of kids had already gone home. But Tony still managed to make one baby cry. He just looked at her. Usually babies love looking at Tony. They'll just stare at him. Not this little girl! We really liked this center and the director but are touring more next week. One obvious thing we learned was that it's very pricey! Time to tighten the belts!! :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Three Days

The picture on top is from Wednesday and the one below is from today (Saturday). Is that possible?! Must be the tighter top and being turned more to the side. WOW, here comes baby!

Midfielder or Sweeper?

This morning I didn't wake up a thirsty beast. No, this morning I woke up to the unmistaken kicks (elbows, punches, etc.) of my baby girl. It was amazing! The books and websites tell moms-to-be to pay attention to a "fluttering" feeling around week 16 but I could never tell for certain. My tummy's always making noises and feeling upset. But this morning, I could definitely tell. I felt the movement with my hand on my stomach. This girl could kick (midfielder? sweeper?)! Or maybe she was throwing an elbow practicing her boxing out for basketball. Whichever sport, instrument or activity she chooses won't matter. I just can't wait to meet her!

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Thirsty Buddha

Did I wake up beastly? No, I don't think so. I think it's because Tony wouldn't bring me ice water. Yes, let's blame it on the husband. He's been working on the stairs so we've been trying to limit the number of trips up and down. BUT your wife is pregnant. Take one trip (two total) and bring her some cold water!

The heat and humidity decided to stick around the city today so I was nice and uncomfortably sticky by the time I got to work. It didn't matter that we took the ferry. I was a sweaty beast, indeed.

Fast forward to lunch: the first belly rub. Yes, I had made it to the 23rd week and was optimistically foolish that I would make it through 40 (+/-) weeks with no unwelcomed belly rubs. She's a new Mom so I let it slide. And she apologized right after she did it. She knew. It was more like a pat anyways. Not that big of a deal. But it was in the lunch line so maybe that added to the awkwardness. Strange nonetheless.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Officially Pregnant

I remember one time 7 years ago when a woman I was interviewing for the Alamogordo Daily News in New Mexico asked me if I had a secret to share. She thought I was expecting. How insulting, I thought! Then again, I was wearing one of those bulky wool sweaters, not this ugly but you get the picture.

So there I was at the coffee station at work earlier this week - in my 23rd week - when a little woman from the other side of the 5th floor asked me when I was due. No "oh I heard you're expecting" just "so when are you due?" with this big grin on her face. Wow, I guess I officially look pregnant now! No more wondering if people think I've been eating Twinkies and McDonald's for every meal and then some.

Speaking of food (one of my favorite topics), Tony and I made a quick Hanny's run tonight for milk, OJ and Milk Bones when I stumbled upon single serving Eddie's ice cream cups for $1. It was all the excitement I could handle for one evening. I grabbed one in every flavor: chocolate, chocolate chip (my pick for tonight's Mad Men viewing) and mint chocolate chip. What a fabulous idea for pregnant women across America!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Week 22 (5.5mo) Belly

Waiting to wake up one morning and see a "popped" belly. Until then it's definitely growing! Tony broke out the tape measurer the other night and said he literally saw it growing!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Meeting New Little Ones

Tim and Hesper welcomed Cadence on July 20! She is a beautiful little baby! We had the chance to visit them when she was just 6 days old. She's pictured her chilling in her swing. My friend, Amber, and I visited our co-worker, Courtney, and her 1mth-old son, Charlie, recently as well. Here he is waiting for me to change his diaper. It was a first-time experience so I was slow, just need some more practice! Also pictured is Katie, 7mth-old daughter of my college roommate Jen, at a birthday gathering for our other roommie, Kelley. It's neat to compare the babies at different ages. They are all so different yet SO precious!!