Friday, July 17, 2009

A Healthy Baby is the Best Birthday Present

I'm just catching up to blog posts now (it's August 15) but decided to label this post as July 17 as that was the day of our next big doctor's appointment: the 18wk ultrasound. We could see her clearly on the screen. Her heart was beating and she was moving all around. It was wild! She was looking at her hands (are these fingers?!), relaxing with one arm behind her head (the way I sometimes sleep), punching my insides and rolling around all over the place! It was very "Discovery" channel. They took pictures of her spine, kidneys, liver, brain, arms, legs, you name it. Then she rolled over and did not want to roll back over. She was quite comfortable hanging out on her tummy! I could tell Tony enjoyed the experience (on his 29th birthday no less!) until we got to the parking garage when his face had lost some of its color. He didn't tell me then but he was actually having chest pains and was experiencing signs of an anxiety attack. It was a neat experience but apparently when he absorbed it all, it was a little overwhelming!!