Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Joey?

Oh Tony ... so I'm struggling to boost myself back into bed the other night and I say something about how it would be so nice if our bed was lower. Mind you Tony has been listening to my pathetic bedtime antics for a few weeks now. Instead of saying that's something he could work on, like an experienced Dad co-worker told me he should have said, he made a comment about how easy it would be to lower the bed 8-10 inches. Ummm, ok, why wasn't this done weeks ago?! haha oh man...

Good thing kangaroos are so cute, especially momma and joey, because Tony called me a kangaroo Friday morning when he dropped me off at work. Thanks, hunny! :)

I started dipping into Tony's tshirt stash for gym wear. My shirts are getting too short, not to mention tight. So this week I wore Tony's Corona tshirt from my our trip to Playa del Carmen to the gym. Is a pregnant lady in a beer tshirt too much? It says, "See I used to be fun!"

Foo Foo has maintained her active almost-lifestyle. This week we think she put her knees together and twisted a bit when we watched my belly distort. It was wild!

My Mom and I have been hanging out all day today. I can tell she's really excited about the baby's arrival. The family shower is tomorrow at noon at Scott and Jess's house. It will be nice to see everyone again. The fam hasn't been together since Scott and Jess's wedding in late May. I wanted to tell everyone I was pregnant then but I was only 11wks along and didn't want to take any attention away from the big event! My Mom told me a nice story about when her and my Dad knew Tony was the right guy for me. She said it was during his military leave my senior year and I was making him spaghetti in the morning. A strange meal for most but pasta anytime of day works for Tony. She said my Dad felt the same way.

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