Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Five Weeks To Go

Nearly 35wks down; 5 to go. Last night was the first time I felt uncomfortable and thought maybe I'm done with being pregnant. I love feeling the baby move but watching and listening to me attempt to roll over or get out of bed must truly be a sight! My stomach constantly feels like I've done 3,000 sit-ups. Last night I could feel Foo Foo rolling her butt around in the center of my stomach and kicking and punching the front and back of my right side (all at the same time!). It was intense. I woke up twice to go to the bathroom and she was wide awake and ready to play both times.

I've made a conscious effort to not worry about weight gain during the pregnancy. I weigh in backward and just ask the doc and midwife how I'm doing. I figure they will tell me if I need to adjust. I've been eating healthy (for the most part) and going to the gym about 4 times a week. So I was surprised this morning when I accidentally saw how much I had gained. I finally signed up for My Health Online or whatever the program is called so that I could see past test results and not mess up any future appointment dates/times. My weight was right there! I couldn't miss it. There should have been a warning. Or maybe a click here if you want to see how much you've gained in the last 4 months. SHOCKING! Oh well, it's all in the name of Foo Foo's health!


  1. And it will ALL come off! No need to worry!

  2. You look fantastic in your pics and you're right it's all for the babe's health! It will be a pleasant surprise after she is born just how much of that weight is her! They can tell you how much you'll loose but still. Just keep trying not to think about it.
