Saturday, November 7, 2009

Gisele, Kendra, Kourtney and ... Meg?

Is it really fair to be pregnant at the same time as Gisele, Kendra and Kourtney? I fit right in ... haha not really!

We reached 34wks this Thursday, which seems so much closer than 33wks for some reason. This week included Foo Foo's first intense "alien belly show" as Tony called it and the first "you're still here?!" at work. Come on, I'm not that big yet!

Friday afternoon we had a check-up with Mary the midwife. We listened to the baby's heartbeat and heard it quicken when she kicked. Mary said her head was lower too. We told her about the breastfeeding class we went to on Wednesday and she asked to see my nipples. First of many awkward moments in front of Tony I'm sure. But the good news is that she said they're perfect for nursing. I got the H1N1 shot finally and set up the rest of my appointments (one in 2 weeks then weekly) up through one week after my due date.

OK, off to organize the baby's room. It's a mess in there! The first floor of the house is super clean though. Tony surprised me and did a turbo cleaning after work this week. It was really sweet!

1 comment:

  1. You just brought back memories of the many lactation consultants I've seen over the years. I swear this time I'm telling them to stay away from me. No nipples on display with #3 :) Feel free to call/write anytime if you get frustrated with nursing. It can be tough the first few weeks but it just gets easier and easier after that. I promise I won't ask to see your nipples either! Got your card today. Thanks!
